
At LaunchPad, we are committed to providing a space that is safe for our members and the public to use.

Dedicated desk with a view


Initiatives and protocols

We have introduced initiatives and protocols to address the needs of our community and ensure the space is hygienic and clean.

We ask that you respect the health and well-being of others when visiting or using our spaces.
Wash away the grime and sanitise just inside
Fist-bumps are cool, in a Handshake Free Zone
Let’s do the virtual thing and meet online.

For more information on getting back into the office, click below.

Social Distancing

At LaunchPad, we value Generosity, and we designed our spaces to provide the most room per person of any Coworking space in Melbourne.

The Work Safe Australia guidelines specify 4sqm per person, and we allocate 7.6sqm per person – that’s 90% more room.

Desks are no closer than 1.5m, and in most cases, you’re rarely closer than 2m.

Chaperone Zone

We’ve created space just for you to meet with clients and partners, without having them enter our community spaces.
The Chaperone Zones are designated meeting areas where you can meet people and be assured the area is clean and hygienic.
We’ll regularly clean all surfaces and touchpoints to make sure they are kept virus-free.

Remote Work Oriented

Recognising that your team will choose to work from home more often, we’ve introduced plans designed for Remote Workers.
The plans allow your team to have shared desks just for your organisation, with extra allowances for casual desks and meeting rooms, for those times when the whole team is in the office.
We’ve also created a variety of Virtual Meeting spaces and video conference rooms to help manage teams working remotely.

Coworking Insights.

Coworking 101 : The Future of Work – Coworking

Episode 1 Coworking is not new Contrary to popular belief, Coworking is not a new concept or idea. In fact,...

Creativity in the Information Age – AI in the IA?

Artificial Intelligence in the Information Age? Inconceivable! Creativity is the Great Enabler of our prosperity. It has always played an...

The Office is Atomising

Space is no longer important; it's all about the desk. Everything is becoming atomised - markets, products, and businesses. So...